
Laboratory measurement of the temperature dependence of gaseous sulfur dioxide (SO2) microwave absorption with application to the Venus atmosphere


S. H. Suleiman
Los Angeles, California
Greenbelt, Maryland
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0250

High-accuracy laboratory measurements of the temperature dependence of the opacity from gaseous sulfur dioxide (SO2) in a carbon dioxide (CO2) atmosphere at temperatures from 290 to 505 K and at pressures from 1 to 4 atmospheres have been conducted at frequencies of 2.25 GHz (13.3 cm), 8.5 GHz (3.5 cm), and 21.7 GHz (1.4 cm). Based on these absorptivity measurements, a Ben-Reuven (BR) line shape model has been developed that provides a more accurate characterization of the microwave absorption of gaseous SO2 in the Venus atmosphere as compared with other formalisms. The developed BR formalism is incorporated into a radiative transfer model. The resulting microwave emission spectrum of Venus is then used to set an upper limit on the disk-averaged abundance of gaseous SO2 below the main cloud layer. It is found that gaseous SO2 has an upper limit of 150 ppm, which compares well with previous spacecraft in-situ measurements and Earth-based radio astronomical observations.

For full paper: Journal of Geophysical Research , Vol. 101, NO. E2, pp 4623-3635, February 25, 1996
